这是一款来自国外的模版,不用插件,简约大方是其优点。section如何设置没说明,修正了评论显示的问题,并翻译如下文档。如有未详尽之处,欢迎提出,以便共同探讨。 Stephanie Hider Textpattern Template Instructions Stephanie Hider风格说明 See the demo at http://www.demo.simplymonet.com 范例: http://www.demo.simplymonet.com The demo runs on the latest Textpattern release 4.0.5. 适用于 Textpattern 4.0.5版本。 Contents of blue_shider.zip 包含文件: /images – all of the images /forms – all of the forms /pages/default.txt – default page replacement /style/default.txt – default style replacement instructions.txt – these instructions Install Instructions 安装说明 IMPORTANT! Please make sure you have a backup of your current forms and pages, even default ones. ! 注意!安装此风格之前,请先备份你现在的forms、pages,尤其是这些元素中的default类型, We are going to modify the default forms, pages and style so make sure you have a backup. 因为我们需要对default表格、页面和风格进行改动。 This template keeps all parts of a page such as header, navigation and footer in separate forms. 这句话看不懂无所谓。 Steps — You need to be logged in your Textpattern admin 步骤——你必须登录进入textpattern的admin后台 1. Create forms 1. 建立forms In the zip file you will find the forms folder with all the forms you’ll need. In the Textpattern Admin go to ‘Presentation’ tab and to ‘Forms’ tab and ‘Create new form’: name each form as the text file in the zip folder. And assign them the following ‘form type’: 在解压文件夹中找到文件夹forms,在网站后台-Presentation-Forms-Create new form,建立新表格,文本名称对应form的名称,form的属性对照如下: default – file info – file sidebar- misc article- article Remember to save each form when done creating. 记住哦,建立每个form之后都要保存。 2. Plugins There are no plug ins with this template 2. 插件 我可以很负责任地告诉你,这个没插件,使用很方便。 3. HTML In the Textpattern Admin go to ‘Presentation’ tab and to “Pages” tab there you will find a default (and your back up copy hopefully). Copy and paste the /pages/default.txt into the default and save. 3.HTML(实际上是pages) 在后台-Presentation-Pages,你会看到default页面,将解压文件夹中pages/default.txt的内容替换进去,保存。 4. CSS In the Textpattern Admin go to ‘Presentation’ tab and to “Style” tab there you will find a default (and your back up copy hopefully). Copy and paste the /style/default.txt into the default css and save. 4. CSS风格样式 在后台-Presentation-style,你会看到default风格,同上,把解压文件夹中/style/default.txt的内容替换进去,保存。 5. Images And last FTP into your account, go to the images folder and upload all images. 5. 图片 使用ftp把images文件夹中的图片上传到网站相应目录中。 搞定了!享受textpattern的神奇之旅吧!