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基于Firefox的新浏览器Flock 0.7.3

Discussion in '工具软件' started by 总代, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. 总代

    总代 New Member

    Nov 10, 2005
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    [​IMG]一款基于Firefox的新浏览器Flock登场亮相,声称可以带给用户Web 2.0的全新体验。初次登场的Flock浏览器只是一个预览版,集成了RSS、Blog、书签、图片共享等下一代网络技术,拥有多项目前浏览器所不具备的功能。
    Flock比较重要的一个特性是拥有一个Blog编辑器,可与WordPress、Movable Type、Typepad、Blogger等协同工作,同时可以通过简单的拖拽动作在Blog内共享图片,甚至还配备了一个可存储网页内容的剪贴簿,方便在Blog内使用。
    Photobucket sub-album and Flickr set browsing and uploading. Allow users to refine photos displayed in photobar by album.
    Several bug fixes for photobucket and flock integration
    Allow extensions that haven't been modified for flock to be installed. Users will be warned that the extension has not been tested with flock but will be allowed to proceed. Note that this feature has been partially available since 0.7.1. If you have installed unmodified extensions you will see a warning, "This update will cause some of your extensions and/or themes to stop working until they are updated.", during the upgrade which can be ignored.
    Spread flock feature. Allow flock users to opt into adding a flock tagline to photos dragged from the photobar or the from the desktop into a text area
    Setup (First Run) experience enhancements
    Bug fixes, better discovery of current configuration and UI treatments
    Added option to allow anonymous statistics to be gathered during initial setup. This will allow Flock to further streamline and simplify the setup experience.
    Added OPML export to My News
    Blog Editor fix for editing text in source view window
    Updated to use new deli.cio.us API

    [​IMG] 下载:Flock 0.7.3