FlashChat 4.3.0 Put a highly customizable chatroom right on your website. Works with most PHP/MySQL forums and portals, or as a stand-alone chatroom. Can be used in a live-support configuration, as a "registered users only" chat, or as a "free-for-all" chat. 一款国外的个性化聊天室,多国语言程序(含简、繁),支持大部分的PHP格式的CMS系统,也可以作为独立的聊天室。 网址:http://www.tufat.com/script.php?id_num=2 下载地址:http://rapidshare.de/files/5349745/FlashChatv430.rar.html
FlashChat includes a set of advanced administrative options so that you can easily manage rooms, users, bans, messages, and much more. 1.FlashChat 4.4.2 download: Code: http://rapidshare.de/files/7593710/FlashChatv4.4.2.rar.html 2.FlashChat Module Pack version 1.2.1 includes banner, audio/video, mp3 player, radio & text ads total: 10 M download: Code: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7GSM5CEG or: Code: http://v3.getupload.com/show.php?uid=d499fbef0be5ff4e1487b2ee28a38d57.HAP. 89&download=ja