使用方法: 例如你的163相册里有张图片地址是 http://img306.photo.163.com/t9913085/38410833/1041527229.jpg 如果直接在其他网站或者论坛的贴图框框的地址里填http://img306.photo.163.com/t9913085/38410833/1041527229.jpg 这样发出来,肯定显示红叉叉 但只要在图片地址前面加上 http://程序URL/showpic.asp?url= 即,贴图图片的地址中填 http://程序URL/showpic.asp?url=http://img306.photo.163.com/t9913085/38410833/1041527229.jpg OK 大功告成,你的网易相册中的图片就可以显示在其他网站了 注:php版的使用方法也类似:在图片地址前面加上 http://程序URL/getimg.php?url=
PHP: <%@ codepage=65001%> <% Response.Buffer=False re_url = Lcase(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")) '获得来源页面的url mydomain = Lcase(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")) '获得本页面域名 也可以直接指定 if mid(re_url,8,len(mydoain)) <> mydomian then response.write "URL wrong" 'or redirect response.end() end if dim file_url file_url=request.querystring("imgsrc") Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") objXmlHttp.open "GET",file_url,false objXmlHttp.send() Response.ContentType = "image/jepg" Response.BinaryWrite objXMLHTTP.responseBody set objXMLHTTP=nothing %>
附件中的缓存控制的不错。 PHP: <% Dim url, body, myCache url = Request.QueryString("url") Set myCache = new cache myCache.name = "picindex"&url If myCache.valid Then body = myCache.value Else body = GetWebData(url) myCache.add body,dateadd("d",1,now) End If If Err.Number = 0 Then Response.CharSet = "UTF-8" Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream" Response.BinaryWrite body Response.Flush Else Wscript.Echo Err.Description End if '取得数据 Public Function GetWebData(ByVal strUrl) Dim curlpath curlpath = Mid(strUrl,1,Instr(8,strUrl,"/")) Dim Retrieval Set Retrieval = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") With Retrieval .Open "Get", strUrl, False,"","" .setRequestHeader "Referer", curlpath .Send GetWebData =.ResponseBody End With Set Retrieval = Nothing End Function 'cache类 class Cache private obj 'cache内容 private expireTime '过期时间 private expireTimeName '过期时间application名 private cacheName 'cache内容application名 private path 'url private sub class_initialize() path=request.servervariables("url") path=left(path,instrRev(path,"/")) end sub private sub class_terminate() end sub public property get blEmpty '是否为空 if isempty(obj) then blEmpty=true else blEmpty=false end if end property public property get valid '是否可用(过期) if isempty(obj) or not isDate(expireTime) then valid=false elseif CDate(expireTime)<now then valid=false else valid=true end if end property public property let name(str) '设置cache名 cacheName=str & path obj=application(cacheName) expireTimeName=str & "expires" & path expireTime=application(expireTimeName) end property public property let expires(tm) '重设置过期时间 expireTime=tm application.lock application(expireTimeName)=expireTime application.unlock end property public sub add(var,expire) '赋值 if isempty(var) or not isDate(expire) then exit sub end if obj=var expireTime=expire application.lock application(cacheName)=obj application(expireTimeName)=expireTime application.unlock end sub public property get value '取值 if isempty(obj) or not isDate(expireTime) then value=null elseif CDate(expireTime)<now then value=null else value=obj end if end property public sub makeEmpty() '释放application application.lock application(cacheName)=empty application(expireTimeName)=empty application.unlock obj=empty expireTime=empty end sub public function equal(var2) '比较 if typename(obj)<>typename(var2) then equal=false elseif typename(obj)="Object" then if obj is var2 then equal=true else equal=false end if elseif typename(obj)="Variant()" then if join(obj,"^")=join(var2,"^") then equal=true else equal=false end if else if obj=var2 then equal=true else equal=false end if end if end function end class %>
:ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: $text=substr($Content,$pos+4); header($head); echo $text; 最后的 header($head); 不觉得多余了吗?? 呵呵 难道没有人在 运行的时候报错 (WIN 下不报错 FREEBSD 下看看 ) :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: