Mambo / Joomla 和IPB聚合的一个冬冬! Mambo / Joomla and Invision Power Board (2.1 +) User Integration This Product will allow Invision Power Board 2.1.x, one of the most popular forums on the web, to use your Mambo or Joomla user database, login page, and registration page! Exciting Features: o Retains existing Mambo / Joomla users o Users only need to register in Mambo / Joomla o Automatically logs users in to IPB when logged into Mambo or Joomla o No need to have separate logins for Forum and CMS o Incredibly easy to install (4 steps)! Finally the integration you've been waiting for! Price: $14.99 Special Melonez member discount: -$14.99