phpMyAdmin是一个用PHP编写的,可以通过互联网控制和操作MySQL。通过phpMyAdmin可以完全对数据库进行操作,例如建立、复制/删除数据等等。 更新日志: 2.8.2: XSS vulnerability from requests not containing a token Reenable XML option in Export State in documentation that your browser must accept cookies CVS link was broken on main page Adding a user with password containing a backslash Removing a default value Setup script: compatibility with security tokens Setup script: detection of writable config Reading the database list with MySQL wildcards darkblue_orange theme not readable setup script: protect against PHP code input from user blank page after Edit in IE6 via IIS reload default configuration if is removed 下载: phpMyAdmin (bzip2) 下载: phpMyAdmin (gzip) 下载: phpMyAdmin (zip)