Mcafee 今天凌晨在其客户产品页面发布了最新的 Enterprise 8.5i 新版本将同时包括多个语言.现在放出下载~请各位自行分流,内含官方文本. Greetings McAfee Beta Participants, We are very pleased to announce the final release of VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i. It should be available from our download site by the close of business (PST time) today (11/29). Note: The help files will be posted on 11/30. On behalf of the VirusScan Enterprise product development team, we want to thank each of you for your contribution and patience during the beta cycle. 下载:McAfee Virusscan Enterprise 8.5i 多国语言版 (赚1ip )