WP TigerAdmin 是一个可以让 WordPress 管理后台大变样的一个插件。 下载地址 对于中文用户,我推荐把 CSS 中 font-family 部分除了 Tohoma 和 Verdana 两种字体外,其余的都去掉,然后浏览器用微软雅黑字体,这样整个界面看起来就和谐多了,而且也不会出现中文显示不正常的问题。嫌字小的把 font-size: small 也去掉,对中文用户来说就比较完美了。当然,这个漂亮后台只有在完全支持 W3C CSS2.0 的浏览器里面才能发挥作用,IE6 貌似是不行的(没有测试,不过以前的版本是不行的),所以,快去下个Firefox 用吧。 So What Does This Do? The current default WordPress administration area is functional, but I felt it could be improved. For several reasons, I didn’t want to touch the XHTML framework of the admin, but instead relied on the power of CSS2 to manipulate the presentation. The whole package has been wrapped up into a single plugin. Just install and activate. The new design will be immediately visible. wordpress中文博客站 http://istef.info/
ie7似乎也不行,我修改了wp-admin-tiger.php echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . get_settings('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/wp-admin-tiger/wp-admin-tiger_files/wp-admin.css?version=3.0" />'; 修改为 echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . get_settings('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/wp-admin-tiger/wp-admin-tiger_files/tiger.css" />'; 就正常用了