老鬼决定装一个出来。。 =================================================== 1. 修改 includes/class_bbcode.php 搜索 PHP: /** * Returns whether this parser is a WYSIWYG parser. Useful to change * behavior slightly for a WYSIWYG parser without rewriting code. * * @return bool True if it is; false otherwise */ function is_wysiwyg() { return false; } 在其下方添加: PHP: /** * Handles emule link list by Crist Chsu * * @param string URLs of emule * * @return string table with download list */ function handle_emule_links($text) { $text=str_replace("<br>","\n",$text); $text=str_replace("<br />","\n",$text); $list=explode("\n",$text); $rand=rand(0, 3); $text="<br><table class=\"tborder\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\"> <thead><tr><td class=\"tcat\" colspan=\"2\">eMule Links</td></tr></thead><tbody>"; foreach ( $list as $key => $emule ) { if ( $emule ) { $emule_array=explode("|",$emule); $total+=$emule_array[3]; $totalper=$emule_array[3]; if($totalper>(1024*1024*1024*1024)){ $totalper=round($totalper/1024/1024/1024/1024,2); $totalper.="TB"; }elseif($totalper>(1024*1024*1024)){ $totalper=round($totalper/1024/1024/1024,2); $totalper.="GB"; }elseif($totalper>(1024*1024)){ $totalper=round($totalper/1024/1024,2); $totalper.="MB"; }else{ $totalper=round($totalper/1024,2); $totalper.="KB"; } $text.="<tr align=\"left\" class=\"alt".iif($key%2, 1, 2)."\"><td width=\"80%\" align=\"left\"><input type=checkbox name=\"emule".$rand."\" value=\"".$emule."\" onclick=\"em_size('emule".$rand."');\" checked=\"checked\" /><a href=\"".$emule."\">".$emule_array[2]."</a></td><td align=\"center\">".$totalper."</td></tr>"; } } if($total>(1024*1024*1024*1024)){ $total=round($total/1024/1024/1024/1024,2); $total.="TB"; }elseif($total>(1024*1024*1024)){ $total=round($total/1024/1024/1024,2); $total.="GB"; }elseif($total>(1024*1024)){ $total=round($total/1024/1024,2); $total.="MB"; }else{ $total=round($total/1024,2); $total.="KB"; } $text.="<tr align=\"left\" class=\"alt".iif($key%2, 1, 2)."\"><td width=\"80%\" align=\"left\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"checkall_emule".$rand."\" onclick=\"checkAll('emule".$rand."',this.checked)\" checked=\"checked\"/> <label for=\"checkall_emule".$rand."\">Check All</label> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Download Selected\" onclick=\"download('emule".$rand."',0,1)\"> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Copy the Links\" onclick=\"copy('emule".$rand."')\"><div id=\"ed2kcopy_emule".$rand."\" style=\"position:absolute;height:0px;width:0px;overflow:hidden;\"></div></td><td align=\"center\" id=\"size_emule".$rand."\">".$total."</td></tr></tbody></table>"; return $text; } } 再搜索: PHP: if ($vbulletin->options['allowedbbcodes'] & ALLOW_BBCODE_HTML) { // [HTML] $tag_list['no_option']['html'] = array( 'callback' => 'handle_bbcode_html', 'strip_empty' => true, 'stop_parse' => true, 'disable_smilies' => true, 'disable_wordwrap' => true, 'strip_space_after' => 1 ); } 在下方添加: PHP: if ($vbulletin->options['allowedbbcodes'] & ALLOW_BBCODE_HTML) { // [EMULE] $tag_list['no_option']['emule'] = array( 'callback' => 'handle_emule_links', 'strip_empty' => true, 'stop_parse' => true, 'disable_smilies' => true, 'disable_wordwrap' => true, 'strip_space_after' => 1 ); } 其中:$tag_list['no_option']['emule'] 中的 emule 是标签名,各位可以根据自己喜好修改 2. 修改 clientscript/vbulletin_global.js 在文件最后加入: PHP: function checkAll(str,checked) { var a = document.getElementsByName(str); var n = a.length; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { a[i].checked = checked; } em_size(str); } function download(str, i, first) { var a = document.getElementsByName(str); var n = a.length; for (var i = i; i < n; i++) { if(a[i].checked) { window.location=a[i].value; if (first) timeout = 6000; else timeout = 500; i++; window.setTimeout("download('"+str+"', "+i+", 0)", timeout); break; } } } function copy(str) { var a = document.getElementsByName(str); var n = a.length; var ed2kcopy = document.getElementById("ed2kcopy_"+str) ed2kcopy.innerHTML = "" for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(a[i].checked) { ed2kcopy.innerHTML += a[i].value; ed2kcopy.innerHTML += "<br />"; } } var rng = document.body.createTextRange(); rng.moveToElementText(ed2kcopy) rng.scrollIntoView(); rng.select(); rng.execCommand("Copy"); rng.collapse(false); } function em_size(str) { var a = document.getElementsByName(str); var n = a.length; try { var input_checkall = document.getElementById("checkall_"+str); var size = 0; input_checkall.checked = true ; for (var i=0; i < n; i++) { if (a[i].checked) { var piecesArray = a[i].value.split( "|" ); size += piecesArray[3]*1; } else { input_checkall.checked = false; } } test = document.getElementById("size_"+str); test.innerHTML = gen_size(size, 3, 2); } catch (e) { } } function gen_size(val, li, sepa ) { sep = Math.pow(10, sepa); li = Math.pow(10, li); retval = val; unit = 'Bytes'; if (val >= li*1000000000) { val = Math.round( val / (1099511627776/sep) ) / sep; unit = 'TB'; } else if (val >= li*1000000) { val = Math.round( val / (1073741824/sep) ) / sep; unit = 'GB'; } else if (val >= li*1000) { val = Math.round( val / (1048576/sep) ) / sep; unit = 'MB'; } else if (val >= li) { val = Math.round( val / (1024/sep) ) / sep; unit = 'KB'; } return val + unit; } 然后, 使用 [emule][/emule]标签来添加eMule链接吧! 大家可以直接从VERYCD站点上点击“复制”按钮然后添加到标签内 即刻转换成功哦…… 每个链接占一行 ====================================================== TODO: 1.添加图标到编辑器里 2.添加短语 =======================================================
来自17cp.com的joey的修正。 class_bbcode.php 搜索 PHP: function is_wysiwyg() { return false; } 后面添加 PHP: function handle_emule_links($text) { if(!$this->is_wysiwyg()) { $text=str_replace("<br>","\n",$text); $text=str_replace("<br />","\n",$text); $text=preg_replace ("/(<\/?)(\w+)([^>]*>)/e","", $text); $list=explode("\n",$text); $rand=rand(0, 3); foreach ( $list as $key => $emule ) { if ( !empty($emule) OR $emule==" ") { $emule_array=explode("|",$emule); $total+=$emule_array[3]; $totalper=$emule_array[3]; if($totalper>(1024*1024*1024*1024)){ $totalper=round($totalper/1024/1024/1024/1024,2); if(!$totalper){continue; } $totalper.="TB"; }elseif($totalper>(1024*1024*1024)){ $totalper=round($totalper/1024/1024/1024,2); if(!$totalper){continue; } $totalper.="GB"; }elseif($totalper>(1024*1024)){ $totalper=round($totalper/1024/1024,2); if(!$totalper){continue; } $totalper.="MB"; }else{ $totalper=round($totalper/1024,2); if(!$totalper){continue; } $totalper.="KB"; } ++$i; $key1=iif($i%2, 1, 2); $emule_array[2]=rawurldecode($emule_array[2]); eval('$emulebit .= "' . fetch_template('emulebit') . '";'); } } if($total>(1024*1024*1024*1024)){ $total=round($total/1024/1024/1024/1024,2); $total.="TB"; }elseif($total>(1024*1024*1024)){ $total=round($total/1024/1024/1024,2); $total.="GB"; }elseif($total>(1024*1024)){ $total=round($total/1024/1024,2); $total.="MB"; }else{ $total=round($total/1024,2); $total.="KB"; } $key2=iif($key%2, 1, 2); eval('$text = "' . fetch_template('emule') . '";'); } else { $text ="[emule]".$text."[/emule]" ; } return $text; } 导入附件产品 修改摸班editor_toolbar_on 搜索 HTML: <if condition="$show['php_bbcode']"> <td><div class="imagebutton" id="{$editorid}_cmd_wrap0_php"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/php.gif" width="21" height="20" alt="$vbphrase[wrap_php_tags]" /></div></td> </if> 后面添加 HTML: <td><div class="imagebutton" id="{$editorid}_cmd_wrap0_emule"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/emule.gif" width="21" height="20" alt="添加emule标签" /></div></td> 修正了一些问题~ 部分内容写不进hook
呵呵,插件部分,导入产品即可~~ 这个代替了手工添加模版部分和一个文件修改部分. 前面的一个文件修改是因为找不到合适的hook位置所以只好手工了,且如果仅仅从插件系统卸载这个插件的话手工做的唯一的修改也不会影响论坛的运行,因为只是一个函数而已~