UEStudio ‘06基于IDE(Integrated Development Environment 完整开发环境) 概念建立。特别为在Windows系统进行软件开发而设计,UEStudio ‘06是一个强力的程序设计平台,为UltraEdit用户提供新的优秀功能和素材。 UEStudio ‘06 功能 包含 UltraEdit-32 的所有功能! 强劲的工程/解决方案 支持: Visual Studio 到 UEStudio 工程转换 集成编译器支持 集成 CVS 支持 集成标签支持 工程管理器 工程模板 (特别编译) 构建功能: 编译 构建/批量构建 调试除错 运行应用程序 HTML 工具栏 - PHP 支持: 运行脚本 语法检查 分析文档 剔除注释 源码着色 增强的工作区管理器: 类查看器 资源编辑器 集成 Tags 语言信息: 智能提示 快速提示 功能/函数提示 增强的工具栏: 标准 UltraEdit-32 工具栏 构建工具栏 HTML 工具栏 智能提示工具栏 资源编辑器工具栏 Tools 工具栏 +1 Issues Fixed (updated on 06/21/07) Search with regular expressions enabled causes application hang Search option “Match Files if string is not found” not working with regular expressions enabled Replace in selection corrupts file when Perl regular expressions are enabled Crash with Find In Files with “Results to Edit Window” and closing and rerunning a Find In Files Invalid argument encountered when bringing up the Find or Replace dialog Function list not displaying functions from UTF-8 files when Perl regular expressions enabled Directory erroneously shows up in File/Types combobox of UE/UEStudio Find in Files dialog “Add or Remove Programs” not displaying UE icon If a file is loaded, and you open another file from command line, cursor disappears Ctrl and/or alt and any cursor key not allowed in key mapping Crash when connecting to ftp server with long server banner Saving an FTP file stalls part-way through reporting “Upload Command Failed” Added menu/toolbar icon for Show Spaces/Tabs command Added support for column mode to Goto line/col select in a Macro Added remember font option in ASCII Table dialog Added key mapping for Show Line Endings Mouse wheel now only scrolls window under cursor 下载地址+注册码:http://www.5xing.cn/go/268