大家都知道 Pligg 是基于PHP语言的开源Digg类软件,虽然自身争议不断,但是还是深受用户的喜爱,可是今天在Sedo上Pligg却在出售自己。 该项出售的资产包含:域名、网站以及 SourceForge 帐号 的控制权。从Sedo站点的出售信息中,我们得知Pligg已经拥有1万注册用户、6万次的软件下载次数。 既然出售不可避免,那么能找到一个好买家就是我们大家都愿意看到的结果啦!
Pligg is an open source content management system. It is used by sites such as Sk-rt.com, Indianpad.com, realestatevoices.com, plantchange.com, agentb.com and videosift.com. The Pligg forums have over 10,000 registered members and 36,000 posts. This sale includes the pligg.com domain along with all web content created for the site including graphic design work, blog and forum administrator accounts, rights to the Sourceforge.net account. All files will be digitally transfered to you and it will be expected that you will provide your own hosting solution. 这是咋了 gg没事买了得了。。。 正好digg不要他了,他自己来一个