大家好 我不懂网页,什么代码之类的,但是我非常的喜欢这个blog程序,真的喜欢,我喜欢它的简洁,有朋友可以帮我装一下皮肤吗?我下载了一个皮肤,但是装上以后还是感觉不对。大家可以不可以帮我啊。谢谢大家了,这几天为了这个blog 精疲力竭了。。。麻烦大家了哦 我的英语不好,我刚刚下载了一个模板,css,forms,pages都在外观里面粘贴好了。images也上传好了,可是我想问问,其他还需要哪些设置呢,肯定还需要设置一些地方吧。那个模板给我一个安装程序的说明,可是我英语不行啊,看不懂啊。。您可否帮我一下啊 I. INSTALLATION --------------- **IMAGES** 1. Unzip the file. Go the file labeled images and upload all the pics and images to your "images" file in Textpattern. Don't upload the images through Textpattern because it will assign a numeric value to the image instead of using the actual name (thus meaning you'll have to recode the pages). Instead, use an FTP program. I recommend SmartFTP for PC and CyberDuck for Mac (Google 'em, they're both free). **PAGES AND CSS*** 1. Go to your Textpattern admin area. 2. Go to the Presentation tab. 3. Go to the Pages tab. 4. Before we make the following changes, you may want to backup all of your originals 'cause once they're gone, they're gone. I'm not responsible for lost design info or content. 5. Once you have backed up your work, go to the file in your download that's labeled Pages. Open "default" and paste it into your form names "default. Open "archive" and do the same, contine with "error_default". Make sure you click the red button at the bottom that says "Save" or else all your hard work will be in vain! 6. Go to the file named "CSS" in the downloaded file. Now, in your Textpattern admin area, go to the tab named Style. 7. Open the file named "fishy_css". Copy the text and paste it into over your default CSS in Textpattern. Save your work. 8. In the downloaded file, go to the file named Forms. In Textpattern, click the form named Forms. 9. My form uses conditionals. On the front page, you get an excerpt. On the archive pages, the full story. You don't have to use my form. If you do want to use it, open the file in the download named "default". Paste this over your Textpattern default form and save. Do the same with the form "Comments". 10. You should be done! II. STEP TWO ----------------------