安装都正常,目前其它页面也都正常,但就是点击任何一个游戏都不能进入 点任何游戏都会跳出这个提示: SQL Error: Query: SELECT * FROM games WHERE cat=\'Action\' AND id!=\'2\' ORDER BY RAND() DESC LIMIT 0, 5 " 不知道是不是这个代码的问题: 代码: echo "</td><td width='50%' valign='top' align='left'>"; echo "<div style='padding-bottom: 4px;'><b>" . language("ifyouliked",true) . " ".$game['name'].", " . language("alsoenjoy", true) . "...</b></div>"; $q = "SELECT * FROM games WHERE cat='".$game['cat']."' AND id!='".$game['id']."' ORDER BY RAND() DESC LIMIT 0, ".$themecfg['similargamesnumber'].""; $games2 = get_games("shortdesc=".$themecfg['maxdesclength']."&htmlize=true&diffquery=".$q); foreach ($games2 as $game2) { dispgametd(true, $game2); } echo "</td></tr></table>"; 附上:game.asp这个页面 代码: <table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <tr> <td width='20%' valign='top' style='padding-top: 4px;'> <?php include "leftcolumn.php"; ?> </td> <td width='80%' valign='top' class='paddedcontent'> <?php cache_output("do_event('gamepage');"); if(!is_cache()) { do_event("gamepage"); } $maxwidth = $games_config['maxgamewidth']; $minwidth = $games_config['mingamewidth']; $maxnopopwidth = $games_config['maxnopopwidth']; $game = get_game("id="._sp($params[1])."&maxwidth="._sp($maxwidth)."&minwidth="._sp($minwidth)); $cfg['pagetitle'] = $game['name']; $cfg['metakey'] = $game['keywords']; $cfg['metadesc'] = $game['desc']; $game['time'] = date("M d, Y", $game['time']); ?> <div class='menuheadgray'> <div class='menuheadtext'><?php echo $game['name']; ?></div> </div> <div class='menutext graymenutext largertext'> <center> <?php if ($game['type'] != 'extlink') { if ($game['width'] <= $maxnopopwidth) { echo $game['code']."<br /><br />"; cache_output("do_event('gameplay');"); if(!is_cache()) { do_event("gameplay"); } } else { $link = get_play_link("id="._sp($params[1])); $width = $game['width']; $height = $game['height']; $link = "javascript:popup('".$link."', ".$width.", ".$height.")"; echo "<b><a href=\"".$link."\" class='darklink'>- " . language("clickhere", true) . " ".$game['name']." " . language("newwindow", true) . " -</a></b>"; } } else { if (get_game_config("name=frameextlinks")==1) { $target = ""; } else { $target = "target='_blank'"; } echo "<br /><b><a href=\"".get_play_link("id="._sp($game['id']))."\" class='darklink' ".$target.">- " . language("clickhere", true) ." ".$game['name']." -</a></b><br /><br />"; } if ($game['sponsorname'] != '') { if ($game['sponsorsite'] == '') { echo "<br />"; echo "<b>" . language("sponsoredby", true) . ":</b> ".$game['sponsorname']."<br />\n"; } else { echo "<br />"; echo "<b>" . language("sponsoredby", true) . ":</b> <a class='darklink' href='http://".$game['sponsorsite']."'>".$game['sponsorname']."</a><br />\n"; } } else if ($game['sponsorsite'] != '') { echo "<br />"; echo "<b>" . language("sponsor", true) . ":</b> <a class='darklink' href='http://".$game['sponsorsite']."'>".$game['sponsorsite']."</a><br />\n"; } ?> </center> </div> <div class='menuheadgreen'> <div class='menuheadtext'><?php language("gameinfo"); ?></div> </div> <div class='menutext graymenutext'> <center> <?php echo "<table width='97%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td width='50%' valign='top' align='left' class='largertext'>"; echo "<b>" . language("addedon", true) . ":</b> ".$game['time']."<br />\n"; cache_output("\$result = mysql_query('SELECT `playcount` FROM `games` WHERE `id`=".$game['id']." LIMIT 1'); \$playcount = mysql_result(\$result, 0, 'playcount'); echo '<b>" . language("playcount", true) . ":</b> '.\$playcount.'<br />';"); if(!is_cache()) { echo '<b>' . language("playcount", true) . ':</b> '.$game['playcount'].'<br />'; } echo "<b>" . language("category", true) . ":</b> <a href='".get_category_link("name=".$game['cat'])."'>".$game['cat']."</a><br />"; if ($game['type'] == 'SWF' || $game['type'] == 'DCR') { echo "<b>" . language("filename", true) . ":</b> ".hfilesize($game['filename'])."<br />\n"; } if ($game['authorname'] != '') { if ($game['authorsite'] == '') { echo "<b>" . language("author", true) . ":</b> ".$game['authorname']."<br />\n"; } else { echo "<b>" . language("author", true) . ":</b> <a class='darklink' href='http://".$game['authorsite']."'>".$game['authorname']."</a><br />\n"; } } else if ($game['authorsite'] != '') { echo "<b>" . language("author", true) . ":</b> <a class='darklink' href='http://".$game['authorsite']."'>".$game['authorsite']."</a><br />\n"; } if ($game['authorname']!='') { $authorlink = get_author_link("name=".$game['authorname']); echo "<a href='".$authorlink."'>" . language("vgb", true) . "</a>"; echo "<br />"; } echo "<br /><b>" . language("description", true) . ":</b><br />"; echo $game['desc']; if ($game['instructions'] != '') { echo "<br /><br /><b>" . language("instructions", true) . ":</b><br />"; echo $game['instructions']; } cache_output("\$game = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query(\"SELECT `rating` FROM `games` WHERE `id`='{$game['id']}' LIMIT 1\")); if (\$game['rating']!=0) { \$ratingimg = \"[themedir]ratings/\".round(\$game['rating']/2).\"stars.gif\"; echo \"<br /><br /><b>\" . language(\"rating\", true) . \":</b><br /><img style='border: 0px; margin: 0px;' src='\$ratingimg' />\"; }"); if(!is_cache()) { if ($game['rating']!=0) { $ratingimg = "[themedir]ratings/".round($game['rating']/2)."stars.gif"; echo "<br /><br /><b>" . language("rating", true) . ":</b><br /><img style='border: 0px; margin: 0px;' src='$ratingimg' />"; } } cache_output("\$game['id'] = {$game['id']};include '[instdir][pttdir]game-favorites.php';"); if(!is_cache()) { include "game-favorites.php"; } // if ((dispgamecode_enabled() && ($game['code']!='' || $game['disphtmlcode']!='')) || $game['disphtml'] == "Yes") { if ($game['disphtml'] != "No") { $gcode = $game['code']."<br /><center><a href='".get_home_link()."'>[sitetitle]</a></center>"; if ($game['disphtmlcode']!='') { $gcode = $game['disphtmlcode']; } echo "<br /><br /><b>" . language("addgameto", true) . "</b><br />"; echo "<textarea rows='12' cols='36' style='font-size: 9px; font-family: Verdana;'>"; echo myhtmlentities($gcode); echo "</textarea>"; } } echo "</td><td width='50%' valign='top' align='left'>"; echo "<div style='padding-bottom: 4px;'><b>" . language("ifyouliked",true) . " ".$game['name'].", " . language("alsoenjoy", true) . "...</b></div>"; $q = "SELECT * FROM games WHERE cat='".$game['cat']."' AND id!='".$game['id']."' ORDER BY RAND() DESC LIMIT 0, ".$themecfg['similargamesnumber'].""; $games2 = get_games("shortdesc=".$themecfg['maxdesclength']."&htmlize=true&diffquery=".$q); foreach ($games2 as $game2) { dispgametd(true, $game2); } echo "</td></tr></table>"; if(!is_cache()) { if (theme_is_admin()) { $manage = theme_admin_link(language("managegames", true) , "darklink", "games", "manage"); $edit = theme_admin_link(language("editgame", true), "darklink", "games", "editgame-form", "id=".$game['id']); echo $manage; echo " - "; echo $edit; } } else { cache_output("if(theme_is_admin()) { echo theme_admin_link('" . language('managegames', true) . "', 'darklink', 'games', 'manage') . \" - \" . theme_admin_link('" . language("editgame", true) . "', 'darklink', 'games', 'editgame-form', 'id=" . $game['id'] . "'); }"); } echo "</center></div>"; cache_output("\$game['id'] = {$game['id']}; include '[instdir][pttdir]game-comments.php';"); if(!is_cache()) { include "game-comments.php"; } if (taf_enabled()) { if (taf_login_required()==false || get_logged_in_user()!=false) { ?> <div class='menuheadgray'> <div class='menuheadtext'><?php language("tafgame"); ?> <?php echo $game['name']; ?></div> </div> <div class='menutext graymenutext'> <?php taf_form_display(get_game_link("id=".$game['id'])); echo "</div>"; } } ?> </td> </tr> </table>