现在是第二次 drupal 聚会时间!本次聚会的时间地点是由大家投票产生的新时间、新地点:) 地点:三角地英语学习吧(五道口) 日期:2008年1月 19日(周六) 时间:下午2点- 4点 方位:坐城铁13号线五道口站下,可以步行到那(地图五道口地铁站西约500米);打的或者公车也可以(清华园车站即到)。三角地英语吧在文津酒店旁边。 地图:Mapbar 提供的地图 (图中是五道口—文津酒店的位置) 费用: 20¥/人。很抱歉,这个是三角地英语学习吧需要收的费用。20元费用包括免费饮料及我们预定单独包间费用。 如有其它疑问请致电:139 108 93042 本次会议议程: -- 介绍 -- 回顾近期Amber 以及他们团队做的Bootcamp 活动 -- 中文版drupal.org 及 groups.drupal.org -- 介绍大家使用drupal搭建的网站及人员 -- drupal 6 目前进展 -- drupal 5 模块开发基础知识 关于会议议程如果您有更好的提议,请跟帖说明。我们将会做相应的调整 Its time for our second Drupal meetup! This time at a NEW location and a new DATE/TIME. You voted for it so here it is! Location: Study English Bar (in wu dao kou) Date: Saturday, January 19th, 2008 Time: 2pm to 4pm Directions: Subway line 13 to wu dao kou (五道口) then you can walk, take a taxi or any of the buses 2 blocks down. The Study English Bar is next to the WenJin hotel. MAP COST: 20 RMB. I apologize but there is a cost to get in. The Study English bar wants 20 RMB person to reserve the room for us. This cost is for FREE drinks and to help us rent the PRIVATE room. If you need help feel free to call: 139 108 93042 The agenda for this meeting is -Introductions -Review of the recent Bootcamp given by Amber and her team -Chinese translation of Drupal.org and groups.drupal.org -Introductions of the websites people are working on (brief) -Status update on Drupal 6 -Basics of module development in Drupal 5 ---??? We can go over anything that you would like, please post what you want to go over in the comments. 来源