秋意渐浓,我们是不是该找个秋高气爽、阳光明媚的午后,组织一场盛大的BBQ来送走夏意,迎来接下去的收获季节呢? Raincity Studios诚邀您参加这次的秋夜BBQ暨drupal上海用户群9月聚会。这是我们今年内最后的一次BBQ,不过以后我们还会继续每月组织不同形式的聚会,如饺子宴、火锅、茶话会等等。 所以,大家要把握住这最后的BBQ聚会,享受一顿烤肉大餐哦! 聚会流程: 16:00 9月drupal上海用户群聚会(Presentation + free talk) 18:00 BBQ 活动时间:2008.9.20,16:00 活动地点:襄阳南路100弄10号(近淮海中路),Raincity Studios办公室 周边交通:地铁1号线(陕西南路站),公交42、911、926、167等 报名邮箱:[email protected] 咨询电话:021-64459945 ========================== 2 in 1! It's more Drupal and more beer than ever, and still for free! Summer is leaving us, but there is just no way to let it happen without having one last fiesta. This time will be a bit peculiar; we will do a Drupal meetup and a BBQ at the same time. But don't freak out; sure there won't be any more BBQ this year but that leaves us with a whole new range of options, from jiaozi to hot pot party. Just come this Saturday, we'll see what are our options. When ? On Saturday, September 20, 2008: 4:00 PM - Drupal presentations and discussions 6:00 PM - BBQ Where ? Raincity Studios Shanghai, Bldg 10 Lane 100 Xiangyang Nan Lu (near Huaihai Lu) Metro: line 1, Shanxi Nan Lu station Bus: 42,911,926,167 http://citytitan.com/place/raincity-studios R.V.S.P:[email protected] Tel:021-64459945
周末活动一开始的Drupal meetup上,我们有如下一些presentation的话题供大家选择,麻烦大家选出最想听的1到2个,我们安排工程师进行演讲 - introduction to Drupal 6 - AJAX and Mashups in Drupal - ecommerce & Drupal - Multilingual solutions - Form api of drupal 6
上周末,虽然下雨,不过我们的活动还是顺利举行了,感谢冒雨前来的各位朋友。 活动详情、照片、视频可以到Raincity Studios的官方博客上查看: http://raincitystudios.com/cn/blogs-and-pods/peggy-xie/juhuikaorouyici2he1dehuodong